Aufklärungsschreiben im Sinne des gesetzesvertretenden Dekretes vom 30.06.2003 Nr. 196 „Datenschutzkodex“
In Sinne des Art. 13 des gesetzesvertretenden Dekrets Nr. 196 vom 30. Juni 2003 informieren wir darüber, dass wir persönliche Daten von Kunden und Lieferanten sowie Daten von Personen verarbeiten, die unserem Betrieb ihre Personalien willentlich (persönlich, telefonisch, per Fax oder per E-Mail) sowie durch Registrierung auf unserer Webseite mitteilen, sowie von Personen, deren Daten durch Dritte, zum Beispiel bei der Erfassung von externen Daten für geschäftliche Informationen, öffentlichen Verzeichnissen usw. übernommen wurden, wobei es sich im letzteren Fall ausschließlich um persönliche Daten gemeiner /gewöhnlicher Art und Natur handelt.
Unser Betrieb garantiert im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben, dass die Verarbeitung der persönlichen Daten unter Berücksichtigung der grundlegenden Rechte und Freiheiten sowie der Würde des Betroffenen, mit besonderem Bezug auf die Geheimhaltung, die persönliche Identität und das Recht auf Schutz der persönlichen Daten, erfolgt.
Ziel- und Zweckstellungen bei der Datenverarbeitung:
- Erfüllung von gesetzlichen Pflichten, Pflichten aus Verordnungen, Gemeinschaftsnormen sowie zivil- und steuerrechtlichen Gesetzen
- Erfüllung eventueller vertraglicher Verpflichtungen gegenüber dem Betroffenen
- Erfüllung von Tätigkeiten in Verbindung mit der Geschäftstätigkeit unserer Gesellschaft, wie das Ausfüllen von internen Statistiken, zur Rechnungslegung sowie zur Führung der Kunden-/Lieferantenbuchhaltung
- Zielstellungen geschäftlicher Art wie die Zusendung von Geschäftsinformationen und Werbematerial (per Post, Fax und E-Mail), Marketing und Marktuntersuchungen
- Schutz der Forderungen und Verwaltung der Verbindlichkeiten
- Zielstellungen hinsichtlich Versicherungen, insbesondere Kreditversicherungen
- Bereich der Bekanntmachung und Verbreitung der Daten:
In Bezug auf die oben angegebenen Zielstellungen werden Ihre persönlichen Daten bei Bedarf weitergeleitet:
- an die öffentlichen Verwaltungen und Behörden, wenn dies gesetzlich vorgesehen ist
- an Kreditinstitute, mit denen unsere Firma Geschäftsbeziehungen zur Verwaltung von Forderungen/Verbindlichkeiten und zur Finanzierungsvermittlung unterhält
- an alle jenen natürlichen und/oder juristischen, öffentlichen und/oder privaten Personen (Rechts-, Verwaltungs- und Steuerberatungsbüros, Gerichte, Handelskammern usw.), wenn sich die Weiterleitung als notwendig oder zur Ausübung unserer Tätigkeit zweckdienlich erweist.
- an Lieferanten/Hersteller, wenn dies für die Registrierung der Produkte erforderlich ist.
- Die von unserer Firma verarbeiteten, persönlichen Daten unterliegen keiner Verbreitung.
- Art der Datenverarbeitung:
Die Datenverarbeitung kann mit oder ohne Hilfe elektronischer, auf jeden Fall automatischer Mittel erfolgen und umfasst alle im Art. 4, Absatz 1, Buchstabe a des gesetzesvertretenden Dekretes Nr. 196 vom 30. Juni 2003 vorgesehenen und für die betreffende Datenverarbeitung erforderlichen Vorgänge. In jedem Fall wird die Datenverarbeitung unter Einhaltung aller Sicherheitsmaßnahmen durchgeführt, die deren Sicherheit und Geheimhaltung gewährleisten.
Navigationsdaten im Rahmen unseres Internet Informationsdienstes:
Die für die Funktion der Website zur Verfügung gestellten Computer-Systeme und Prozeduren erfassen während des normalen Betriebs bestimmte persönliche Angaben, deren Übermittlung der Benutzung von Datenaustauschprotokollen im Internet eigen ist.
Dabei handelt es sich um Informationen, die nicht erfasst werden, um sie identifizierten Personen zuzuordnen, sondern die aufgrund ihrer Beschaffenheit durch Verarbeitung und Verknüpfung mit Daten im Besitz von Dritten eine Identifizierung der Benutzer ermöglichen. Zu dieser Datenkategorie gehören die IP- Adressen oder Domain-Namen der Computer, die eine Verbindung zur Website herstellen, die URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)-Adressen der angeforderten Ressourcen, die Zeit der Anforderung und sonstige Parameter, die sich auf die Übertragung und die Computer-Umgebung des Benutzers beziehen.
Diese Daten werden nur für die Zwecke der Sammlung anonymer statistischer Informationen bei der Benutzung der Website und der Überprüfung von deren korrekter Funktion verwendet. Die betreffenden Daten können zur Feststellung einer Haftung im Falle von Straftaten mit Mitteln der Informationstechnik zum Schaden unserer Website benutzt werden.
Rechte des Betroffenen:
Das Datenschutzgesetz verleiht dem Betroffenen die Möglichkeit zur Ausübung bestimmter Rechte gemäß Art. 7. Im einzelnen hat er das Recht, darüber Auskunft zu erhalten, ob und welche Daten über ihn vorhanden sind und in verständlicher Form nähere Angaben über diese Daten, deren Herkunft und den Grund und Zweck ihrer Verarbeitung zu erfahren, sowie Angaben über Inhaber und Verantwortliche der Verarbeitung und Personen und Kategorien von Personen, denen diese Daten möglicherweise übermittelt werden.
Der Betroffene hat das Recht, seine Daten zu aktualisieren, zu berichtigen und zu ergänzen sowie zu beantragen, dass die Daten gelöscht, gesperrt und in anonyme Daten umgewandelt werden, falls die Verarbeitung gegen die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen verstößt. Er hat das Recht, sich aus gerechtfertigte m Grund gänzlich oder zum Teil der Verarbeitung seiner Daten zu widersetzten, und ohne gerechtfertigtem Grund, wenn Daten zum Zwecke der Handelsinformation, des Versands von Werbematerial, des Direktverkaufs, zu Markt und Meinungsforschung verwendet werden.
Die Rechte gemäß Art. 7 können seitens des Betroffenen oder einer von ihm beauftragten Person, mittels Anfrage an den Verantwortlichen der Datenverarbeitung - Hotel Chavalatsch *** des Lucas. Garavagno | St. Johannstr. 31 - 39020 Taufers im Münstertal - mit Einschreiben oder eMail an geltend gemacht werden.
Inhaber der Datenverarbeitung:
Hotel Chavalatsch *** Lucas Garavagno
St. Johannstr. 31
I-39020 Taufers im Münstertal
Data protection
Effective date: 25/05/2018
In accordance with the ORDINANCE (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, we inform you that we will process personal data of customers and suppliers, as well as data of persons who communicate their data willingly (personally, by phoning, by faxing or by e-mailing to us) and by registering on our website, as well as persons whose data have been acquired by third parties, for example when collecting external data for business information, public directories, etc., whereas in the latter case only personal data of ordinary / common kind and nature is concerned.
Our company guarantees within the framework of legal regulations that the processing of personal data takes into account the fundamental rights and freedoms as well as the dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to secrecy, personal identity and the right of protecting personal data.
Target and purpose positions in data processing:
- fulfillment of legal obligations, duties arising from regulations, community norms as well as civil and tax laws
- fulfillment of any contractual obligations to the person concerned
- Performing activities related to the business of our company, such as completing internal statistics, accounting, and managing customer / supplier accounting
- Business objectives such as sending business information and promotional material (by post, fax and e-mail), marketing and market research
- Protection of claims and management of liabilities
- Objectives regarding insurance, especially credit insurance
- area of publication and circulation of data.
In relation to the above stated objectives, your personal information will be forwarded as needed:
- to the public administration and authorities, if stipulated by law
- to credit institutions our company has business relations with, concerning the management of receivables / payables and financial intermediation
- to all those natural and / or legal, public and / or private persons (legal, administrative and tax consulting offices, courts, chambers of commerce, etc.), if the forwarding proves necessary or convenient for the performance of our duties
- to suppliers / manufacturers, for the execution of the orders
- The personal data processed by our company are not subject to circulation.
What kind of information is collected from you and for how long?
1. Information provided by the user and collected automatically
The personal data stored by our company are collected directly from customers or third parties, such as the hypothesis that the company acquires data from external companies for commercial information, market research, direct offers of products or services. For this last type of data, an informative notice will be provided at the time of its registration or, in any event, no later than the first possible notice.
In addition, our company may possess data that the law defines as "sensitive" in relation to customer-requested transactions. The law requires a specific consent for their utilization.
Each time you visit our platforms, we may collect information about the devices you use and the networks you are connected to when using our services, in accordance with applicable laws and, where applicable, your consent. This may include: IP address, login information, browser type and version, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, advertising ID, visit information including the clickstream URL to, from and to our platforms, products viewed or searched, download errors, duration of visits to specific pages, interaction on the pages and any phone numbers used to call our customer service. We collect this information using various technologies, including cookies (see our Cookie Policy for more information).
2. Data Storage
Click on this
link to see the retention period of the data.
Type of data processing:
The data processing may be carried out with or without the aid of electronic means - in any case automatic - and includes all the operations required and necessary for the data processing concerned. In any case, the data processing will be carried out in compliance with all security measures that ensure their security and secrecy.
Online advertising
For advertising purposes, based on your interests and to display targeted online advertising based on the use of cookies, we may also combine the data collected by cookies with other data we have collected. If you do not want information to be processed through the use of cookies,
read our Cookies section to learn how to review and disable this information.
Please note that the exclusion of interest-based advertising does not prevent the display of advertising that is not based on your interests.
Third parties who act as processors of such contractual processing guarantee that they will not store the data received from the client and will not use them for other purposes. Our contractors are contractually committed to use the same privacy and security standards, and we ensure that they are complied with.
Navigation data in the context of our Internet information service:
The computer systems and procedures provided for the function of the website collect certain personal information during normal operation, the transmission of which is subject to the use of data exchange protocols on the Internet.
It is information that is not collected to associate with identified persons but, by their nature, enables users to be identified by processing and linking to third party data. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers that connect to the website, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, and other parameters related to the transfer and the data communication of the user's computer environment.
These data are used only for the purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information when using the Website to verify that it works correctly. The data in question may be used to establish liability in the case of offenses by means of information technology to the detriment of our website.
Transfer of data abroad:
We may need to submit your data to service providers in non-European countries (EEA). The EEA consists of countries of the European Union and Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, which are considered to be countries with equivalent data protection and privacy laws. This type of data transfer may occur if our servers (i.e. where we store data) or our suppliers and service providers are located outside the EEA or if you use our products and services during your stay in countries outside the EEA from this area.
The updated list of third countries to which the company may transfer data is available on request to the data controller.
If such transfer takes place, we will ensure that it is in accordance with this Privacy Policy and that it is governed by standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission that provide reasonable protection for the parties concerned.
Rights of the person concerned:
The Basic Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 gives the data subject the opportunity to exercise certain rights. In particular, it has the right to obtain information on whether and what kind of its data exist and to obtain in an understandable form details of such data, their origin and the reason for and purpose of their processing, as well as details of the holder and controller of the processing and persons and categories of persons to whom such data may be transmitted.
The data subject has the right to update, correct and complete his data and to request that the data be deleted, blocked and converted into anonymous data if the processing violates the legal provisions. He has the right, for a justified reason, to oppose, in whole or in part, the processing of his data, and for no justified reason, to use data for the purposes of trade information, the sending of advertising material, direct sales, market research and opinion polling.
In addition, from 25 May 2018 onwards, the right to data portability will apply. For more information, please contact the data controller.
If you believe that your rights have been violated, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority (Garante della Privacy) or to take legal action.
The rights can be asserted on the part of the person concerned or a person commissioned by him, by means of a request to the person responsible for data processing at the
Hotel Chavalatsch *** der Fam. Garavagno - Joos – St. Johannstr. 31 - I-39020 Taufers im Münstertal - by registered mail or e-mail to
Holder of the data processing:
Hotel Chavalatsch *** der Fam. Garavagno - Joos
St. Johannstr. 31
I-39020 Taufers im Münstertal
T. +39 0473 832175
F. [AddressFax]
Data storage times
Except following personal data categories, the personal data will be stored until the contract deadline, and after they will not be used anymore.
Following personal data categories can be stored for several periods:
- Financial data (i.e. payments, reimbursements, etc.) will be stored according to fiscal laws and accounting regulations applied;
- All contents created by the users (i.e. reviews, etc.) will be anonymized but remain in our platforms.
What are cookies?
A "cookie" is a small text that is sent to the computer to identify the visitor's browser or to store information and settings in the browser. You can also refuse browser cookies by disabling the corresponding setting on your browser. However, if you choose this setting, you may not be able to access certain parts of the web page or they may no longer function completely.
The following cookies are used on this website as well as on the subdomains:
Navigation cookies are required for normal navigation and use of the website; without these cookies, the website may not be able to access certain features or work properly.
Functionality cookies: by saving your settings, these cookies extend the functionality of the website. They capture settings you have made (such as username or language) and allow the site to be improved.
Performance cookies may originate from us or from a third party. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous data that is neither used to collect personal information nor for promotional purposes.
Cookies for marketing and retargeting purposes are applied by third parties and are used to display advertising. No personal information is processed, but a connection will be established to your computer or other device by tracking the information stored in it.
Instructions for disabling cookies
Internet Explorer
Block or allow all cookies
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Navigate to "Tools" and "Internet Options"
3. Select the "Privacy" tab and move the slider to the top to block all cookies
4. Click OK to confirm
Further information
To block the cookies of all websites:
1. Click the menu button and select Settings.
2. Navigate to the Privacy section.
3. Go to the settings for the "History" and select "Create custom settings". Select "Accept cookies from websites" and save the settings.
Further information
Google Chrome
1. Select the Chrome menu icon Chrome Menu.
2. Select Settings.
3. At the bottom of the page, select Show advanced settings.
4. In the Privacy section, select Content Settings.
5. Select Block storage of data for all websites.
6. Select Done.
Further information
1. Open Safari
2. Select "Settings" in the system bar and in the "Privacy" dialog box that opens
3. In the section "Accept cookies" you can specify if and when Safari should store the cookies of the websites. For more information, click the Help button (marked with a question mark)
4. For more information about the cookies that are stored on your computer, click on "show cookies"
Further information
The following table contains a list of cookies that are used on the website and explains their purpose and lifetime:
Cookie Name |
Use |
Duration |
System cookie, used to keep the user session up
until you close the Browser |
Hides the cookie banner
active for 1 year
Contains the session of the visitor
active for 11 months |
Used to identify users
active for 2 years |
Used to create tracker objects
active for 10 minutes |
Used to create tracker objects
active for 10 minutes